mediterranean salad

August 2, 2022

makes 8 servings
prep time: 20 minutes

1 or 2 cucumbers (could also be english cucumbers), cut into 1/4 pieces
2 roma tomatoes, diced
1/2 red onion, cut in thin slices
4 oz. feta cheese, crumbled
4 T olive oil
2 T red wine vinegar (or 1.5 T white vinegar)
oregano, salt, & black pepper, to taste


  1. combine all ingredients and toss.
  2. serve immediately.


everytime i’ve wanted to make this salad, i’ve had to look it up online because i’ve never had a chance to sit down and add it to my list of recipes here. well, i finally did it =]

i originally looked this recipe up after my sibling trip to albania and this was the type of salad they had over there. no romaine or lettuce, but a cucumber salad with tomatoes, olive oil drizzled over it with salt and pepper. it was delicious… and this salad is pretty close to that. i added the feta cheese for more texture and taste. very fresh, especially nice for the summertime !

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